Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Victoria's Mansfield Park Project

Here's my Mansfield Park project. I decided to write a letter from 10-year-old Fanny Price to her 11-year-old brother, William. This is the letter that Edmund helped Fanny write and that initiated their relationship in Chapter 2.

I had difficulty writing it from the perspective of a 10-year-old who was young, yet was perhaps humble and wise beyond her years. Also, she probably would've been educated on how to write a proper letter and use proper English, so it might sound as though it was written by an older author. Oh well, it was still fun to do. I included Edmund's "love to his cousin William" that Jane Austen says he wrote, at the bottom of the letter. I hope you can read it from the picture!

Here is the back of the envelope, including Edmund's "half a guinea under the seal."

Here is the front of the letter. As you can see, Sir Thomas Bertram franked the letter so that it would be sent free of charge. Franking was supposed to be a reserved as a means for parliament members and other important people to send official business for free. However, it was often used to send personal letters as well, and was even abused so by our beloved Jane Austen! :)

I'll be posting my favorite Mansfield Park quotes soon!


P.S. Here is my scrapbook page (double-sided) for Fanny Price.

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