Thursday, October 6, 2011

Farewell, Miss Austen!

It has been a most remarkable year!  When we began this journey, I had no idea just how dear Jane Austen would become to all of us.  We have read, watched, laughed, argued, and quoted more Jane Austen than I can possible count.  What a joy it has been to be a part of the discussions about Miss Austen's works and watching the girls confidently expressing their opinions and thoughts.  I am richer for this experience.  

We met for our final Conversations with Jane meeting on a beautiful spring day.  I thought we might change up  our tea and instead had a Blueberry Lemonade.  It was yummy paired with homemade donuts and my own version of a cucumber sandwich.  A funny side note, I had made donuts unknowingly on National Donut Day :)  

Our table setting, a little less formal than my china teacups

One last picture around the table

Our farewell meeting was all about favorites, final blog projects, and fun.  We'll start with the fun first (since I have pictures).  I found a Jane Austen Bingo game HERE and thought it would be a fun addition to our last meeting.  We had a good time with it.  I forgot to get markers for the bingo board so we had to improvise with foamie shapes.  You can also see in the first and last picture that Skyeler and Victoria were still working around on their bonnets.  Skyeler had almost finished hers when she realized that she was going to need to glue the flowers on with a glue gun instead of weaving them into the hat.  Unless she wanted to be poked by the stems, that is.  Victoria used what we learned about making shoe roses in March to make her own roses for her bonnet.  They came out lovely. 

The final blog projects were to be a culmination of the year's study.  Something that included a little bit of everything we learned about over the year.  We spent some time sharing their projects and remembering our favorite parts of the year.  

Part of their work for the final meeting was to list their favorites.  

*Their favorite Jane Austen per book please. :)  Oh, the groans that produced LOL!  How to pick just one from the many they collected over the year!  
*Their favorite books in order from most liked to least liked.
*Their favorite heroes/heroines in order from most liked to least liked.  I did allow them to use more than one per book because there is more than one hero/heroine in some of the books

And that was the finale of Conversations with Jane.  If you have been with us since the beginning, thank you.  If you have happened across our site, take a moment to browse through our year.  Very soon now the girls will be posting those final blog projects and favorites to the blog.  We have enjoyed our time with Miss Austen, and though our study comes to a close our love of her works does not.  This is not the end of The Austen Sisters, for there are still ball gowns to complete and a Regency Ball to attend and who knows what else Austenesque may cross our path.  Farewell, Miss Austen, for now.


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